Artist Eigirdas Scinskas invites you to discover abstract paintings

Artist and painter Eigirdas Scinskas presents his modern, large-format paintings on canvas.
Eigirdas Scinskas, who held his first art exhibition seven years ago, says that his art is like a tribute to the world. It's good to see that people are increasingly taming art in their home spaces. For the artist, this is an important appreciation for further work. As the artist says, abstract prints can be difficult to understand at first glance, because everyone's perception is different, and sometimes only the title can suggest the theme of a painting, but thoughts and imagination help to see something else that may not have been noticed before. The multi-layered nature of the paintings also creates a separate story within itself.
Modern paintings. History
"I'm often asked what the story of a painting is. My answer is simple, there is no one story. There is an emotion, and the emotion is perceived by everyone according to how they are feeling at the moment. In this way, one painting takes on many different angles. Then the life of the painting begins, pulsating and unfolding as much as the moment requires. That's the fascination of abstract painting. "
- Eigirdas Scinskas
My inspiration has come about from a need to find a new form of expression, an original language with paint. I'm extremely physical with the work, each painting has layer upon layer of marks, painted out colour and re-worked imagery. The works are all cre- ated out of a need and desire to see work that person- ally satisfies me as a painter. - Eigirdas Scinskas
Contemporary art and abstract painting - it's individ- uality, which is not affected by environmental distur- bances. I paint what I feel, what inspire me as an artist - all real emotions. Pure creativity, flight within inside and feeling of present. Color is an essential element of the painting, but the basic idea is the to convey emotional impact.
Eigirdas Scinskas 1974
Artist Eigirdas Scinskas was born in 1974. Kaunas, lives and works in Vil- nius, Lithuania in his home space. After giving up fashion and portrait black and white photography, Scinskas began to study the field of art: visiting exhibitions, fairs, researching other works of creators. According to him, these studies are part-time and have no end. Since 2013 Scinskas organises annual personal exhibitions in Lithuania and widely outside. Recently in Germany and Kazakhstan. Among these, we can mention the exhibitions "Abstract world" (2015, Vilnius), "Deep Sea" (2018, Kazakh- stan), "Free Swan" (2021, Kaunas, Palanga), " Depth " (2024 Vilnius) and many more in between. During this period, art lovers and collectors both in Lithuania and beyond have purchased almost 400 abstract paintings for their spaces.
Eigirdas Scinskas | Exhibitions
Exhibitions featuring abstract paintings by artist and painter Eigirdas Scinskas.
Depth, AP Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
Solo exhibition, Compensa Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
Solo Exhibition (privately funded), Vilnius, Lithuania
10 years of painting (privately funded), Vilnius, Lithuania
Art Compensa Art Fair, Compensa, Vilnius, Lithuania
Art Event, Art Compensa, Vilnius, Lithuania
Free Dreams, Christophorus Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
Free Swan, Villa Komoda, Palanga, Lithuania
Free Swan, Meno Materija Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania
Solo show, pop up Art Space, Vilnius, Lithuania
Solo show, Galerie Kampl, Munich, Germany
Deep Sea, Esentai Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Free Time, L'Artiste Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania
I Can, Pop up Art Space, Vilnius, Lithuania
Art Future, Esentai Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Ocean Series, Parko Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
Ocean Series (privately funded), Kaunas, Lithuania
Abstract World, Aukso Pjūvis Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania
Abstract World, Pylimo Art Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
Baltas Loftas, Vilnius, Lithuania